Who to Target in Articles?
Millennials are starting to have their voice heard. Baby boomers are the quickest growing segment on social media platforms such as Facebook. Generation X, Y and Z… so many differing needs, so many letters in our alphabet that are now no longer available. What’s next…? Generation A?
All joking aside, before we can target any group, we need to segment our population. We can classify by income, sex, cultural factors, age, attitudes (let’s not forget about environmentalists who have opinions on disposition.) After a little deliberation, we will all come to the same conclusion, age is the primary variable when determining who uses funeral and burial services.
So the question then becomes what messaging is needed? Do we have posts that only appeal to those 60+ at the risk of alienating Millennials or do we provide a broad range of information which has appeal to all age groups. The answer is a bit of both.
Yes those who are older will likely appreciate information on topics such as funeral planning or bereavement following the loss of a spouse, but younger people are also often cast in the role of survivor as they experience the passing of older family members.
Although millennials are typically not the primary decision makers when it comes to funeral and burial arrangements, they do influence and they are usually more vocal on social media channels. Let’s not forget they continue to play a vital part of making a page successful and that they at some point will also be part of a future target for our services.
The recommended approach is the use of subject matter that is directed at older generations; that said, creating content for the body of the article that is contemporary in nature is good practice. A tone which fosters inclusivity will likely garner the best results.