Are you in control of your online presence?
Most funeral homes and cemeteries have taken the initial step and have a Facebook business page. As we know, creating a FB business page is free.
Now the challenge is to populate this site with content that engages your community. What topics are relevant for your FB business page?
Because this is a social platform and posts are about your readers. Here are 7 points worth considering.
- Different medias require content that differs in tone. While website content will be formal and professional; social media content is often conversational. A website is who you are while social media is more about your personality.
- Limit the amount of promotion. If there are too many solicitation type posts, you will drive away readers.
- When presenting your offering to viewers, include messaging that indicates the benefits to your audience. Weave in subtle messaging which implies how what you do helps them.
- Include articles that foster engagement.
- Your employees are your biggest fans. They should be active in this process.
- Appoint a local steward to ensure your message always reflects positively on your organization.
- Consider outsourcing this function, unless you have in-house talent who has both the time and the skills needed to make sure your brand remains in tact.
- Make decisions on how frequent you create posts. Depending on your business classification, should you post daily, multiple times a day, weekly or somewhere in between? Remember, dated FB business pages can negatively impact on a brand.
Back to our initial question: are you in control of your online presence? There are numerous examples on-line where FB business pages are not under the care of the business. Individuals with no relationship to the business somehow have gained control over the domain. These businesses subsequently lose control over their message and more importantly over their brand.
As the online world explodes, it’s important to manage your presence on it. What challenges do you face when administering your social media strategy? What successes have you experienced?
Your comments and suggestions are most welcome. Let’s start the dialogue!